My First Blog Post


This is my very first blog post. Well, not exactly, since I've done one for a school project long time ago. Anyway, I'm gonna make this first blog post as my self introduction post.

❤ Who am I?
My name is Samathayanika, my friends usually call me Yanika. I'm on my final year of college now and currently preparing for my thesis. But unfortunately that we're now having this COVID-19 situation all across the country or even world, everything that I've been planning just got postponed. And here I am trying to do something productive to occupy my time. So that's probably my main reason why I started this blog. 

❤ What will I write in this blog ?
This whole blog will mostly be about hobby and lifestyle. So what I'm gonna be sharing here are basically anything that I'm interested in. It could be about books, movies, series, skincare or just any random things.

❤ What does SYD's Journal mean?
SYD is actually the abbreviation or initial of my full name. And journal because I consider this blog to be my (soon-to-be) journal - a place where I can dump my thoughts or opinions. So that's the meaning behind my blog name HAHAHA. Nothing special, really. 

OK, that's all for now. I'm really looking forward to writing more contents and start filling this blog. I'll see you in my future blog posts! 😆🙌


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